Our Volunteer Center “Home” has been open since 2013. It was built near Rijeka, Croatia, with the help of many. Thank you, everyone, who played a part, big or small, in making this dream come true!
The objectives of our center are:
- To provide accommodations for participants of our volunteer summer camps.
- To give a possibility to everyone, including single families, to live and experience “volunteer tourism”.
- To offer a platform for other types of initiatives (seminars, training courses, animations, etc.)
- To have a bigger space for our storage of humanitarian aid supplies.
- To provide space for recreation, games, fun, as well as education for children, teenagers and adults from the various institutions that we’ve been working with for many years.
This video shows the building progress from the start till the end of 2013:
In 2017 we added the second floor. The center is complete now and has been used for its purpose since.
Other News on our Center Projects:
Winter Camp, 31.12.2014-04.01.2015
We held our first large winter camp at our center, with a total of 27 attendees from Torino, Milano, Trento, … Continue reading →
Cloz Camp, 3rd- 9th September
This larger camp worked very hard this week, finishing the murals in the Pehlin and Turnić kindergartens. Another group sanded … Continue reading →
Mezzolombardo Camp August 26th-September 1st
Our 5th camp this summer was again a group from the “Val di Non” area of Italy. This week we … Continue reading →
Denno Summer Camp 2014
The most numerous group so far was made up of 28 volunteers, which allowed for a division into smaller teams … Continue reading →
Family Camp, August 10th-16th
Once again this year we are hosting a family camp, this time from the area of Trento. The idea is … Continue reading →
Milano Camp, August 4th-10th
Once again, a group came from Milano, some for the 3rd time, others for the first, but all full of … Continue reading →
Open Doors International Camp, July 27th – August 2nd
14 volunteers arrived for a second international camp this year; this time over 10 nationalities were present. In spite of … Continue reading →
From Sarajevo to Rijeka with love!
12 Bosnian volunteers rocked our center, plus Rijeka and the surroundings, from 13 to 20 of May! Andrea Capozzi from … Continue reading →