Our Volunteer Center “Home” has been open since 2013. It was built near Rijeka, Croatia, with the help of many. Thank you, everyone, who played a part, big or small, in making this dream come true!
The objectives of our center are:
- To provide accommodations for participants of our volunteer summer camps.
- To give a possibility to everyone, including single families, to live and experience “volunteer tourism”.
- To offer a platform for other types of initiatives (seminars, training courses, animations, etc.)
- To have a bigger space for our storage of humanitarian aid supplies.
- To provide space for recreation, games, fun, as well as education for children, teenagers and adults from the various institutions that we’ve been working with for many years.
This video shows the building progress from the start till the end of 2013:
In 2017 we added the second floor. The center is complete now and has been used for its purpose since.
Other News on our Center Projects:
Milano Camp: July 31-Aug 5
Due to the initiative of some young people who attended a couple of camps in the past, a new group … Continue reading →
Open Doors Camp July 22-28
Even this year, despite rushing to finish our center, we held an international camp with participants from England, Romania, Germany, … Continue reading →
Our Center Expands
From Easter to Mid July we began the difficult project of lifting the roof and expanding our center “Home” by … Continue reading →
March 2017
March has certainly brought a breath of spring and renewed energy! * On the humanitarian front: two aid distribution trips, … Continue reading →
February 2017
Although February is the shortest month of the year it was quite intense! On February 8, he held a presentation … Continue reading →
“Let the Sunshine In” Flashmob Video
Flash Mob Video “Let the Sunshine In!” by the volunteer association Per un mondo migliore/Za bolji svijet/Better World Croatia performed … Continue reading →