Our humanitarian assistance has taken many forms since the onset of our work, first with refugees and displaced persons after the Croatian war of independence (1991-1995), later on has continued on with truly needy families starting their new lives in Vojnić and Karlovac as well as around Rijeka area. The economical crisis added a new dimension to the visits of needy families.
Since the earthquake in central Croatia at the end of 2020, we have been also involved in distributing aid and bringing hope and encouragement to the people of the affected area.
We work with a broad base of local and international foundations with similar aims.
Another aspect of our assistance is helping to raise the standard of living and working conditions in institutions which don’t have enough resources towards that end – from gardening and simple handyman jobs, to painting rooms and hallways. With the help of various volunteers we try to create a nicer space for people to live and work in.
Other News on our Humanitarian Projects:
Easter Camp, 2nd -7th April
This year we had another wonderful experience during an Easter camp. Due to sickness there were a lot less participants, … Continue reading →
Winter Camp, 31.12.2014-04.01.2015
We held our first large winter camp at our center, with a total of 27 attendees from Torino, Milano, Trento, … Continue reading →
Cloz Camp, 3rd- 9th September
This larger camp worked very hard this week, finishing the murals in the Pehlin and Turnić kindergartens. Another group sanded … Continue reading →
Mezzolombardo Camp August 26th-September 1st
Our 5th camp this summer was again a group from the “Val di Non” area of Italy. This week we … Continue reading →
Denno Summer Camp 2014
The most numerous group so far was made up of 28 volunteers, which allowed for a division into smaller teams … Continue reading →
Family Camp, August 10th-16th
Once again this year we are hosting a family camp, this time from the area of Trento. The idea is … Continue reading →
Milano Camp, August 4th-10th
Once again, a group came from Milano, some for the 3rd time, others for the first, but all full of … Continue reading →